Every word {Greensboro Portrait Photographer}
They are writing a book. She has the job of writing the words and he has the assignment to draw. Of course. He is one of the best artist I have every seen. She has a way with words that makes you hang on to everyone one of them.
So of course they are writing a book. But with that comes the book jacket and that infamous author photo.
So they called me needing a picture quick. Mendy told me in no uncertain terms that she would rather be at the dentist than to have her pictures taken. Nick looked like he was ready to walk back to his house than get in front of my camera. I guided them every step of the way. I made them feel calm and relaxed.
They may have gotten great images but more importantly they now have images that their 4 girls will treasure forever. As a permanant reminder of the love their parents still have for each other.
And they wrote a book about it.
The Social Network {Greensboro Portrait Photographer}
I belong to a networking group here in Greensboro and that is how Joan and I met. She came to my home studio for a portrait session. It had been YEARS since she had her portraits taken. It was time for an update.
PS. She was on an episode of Suddenly Susan and was filmed in an elevator with Brooke Shields.

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Lorena approached me at church and expressed an interest in having her portrait done. I was surprise, excited and touched that she would choose me. She really didn’t give me a reason why but we jumped right in to designing an experience just for her. Her granddaughters helped her pick out several outfits. I contacted Grace, my Hair and Make up Artist. And Lorena showed up as herself.
The result was amazing. She was a natural. We laughed the whole time.
I signed my name on the check with a shaky hand. As I handed the contract and check over I had a split second where I could run out the door and shout "Forget It!". But I didn't. I took a deep breath and handed them over with a "Thank You for your time".
Why the nerves? Why am I scared to rent a space at the local rec center? Here is why:
A few weeks ago I discovered Sue Bryce and her online seminar of women's portraits. This is not the 80's glamour shots that everyone thinks of when they hear the word glamour. This is beautiful, modern, magazine portraits for women. I watched the first of what feels like a million lessons and I was IN. I mean ALL IN! I got so excited! I watched a lesson or two a day. I bought the materials to make a background. I researched V-flats, polyboards, and flat paint. I watched more lessons. I practiced in the mirror how to move hips, how to place hands, how to guide chins. And then it was time...time to actually practice. I agonized over it. It is one thing to think and dream and it is quite another to do and practice especially on real women. So I put out a message to some of my FB friends that I thought could help and right away I got great response. Everyone loved the idea and wanted to pose for me. CRAP! Now it was real. Now I had to step up to the plate. Now I had to perform.
There is a recreation center near my house that has a community room that has HUGE windows, hardwood floors and lots of space to move around. It is perfect. If I could design a studio space it would look like this. So I take the leap and rent it out for 5 hours on a Tuesday to shoot these women. That is when it got real. When I had to hand over my own money with no refund to actually do this, that is when the nerves came. I know that offering this service for women will be a game changer. Giving women a day where they get to dress up and look and feel amazing and have photographs to remind them will change them in various ways.
And it will change my business. This is me, stepping up to the cliff, taking a deep breath and taking that first step.