Family Sessions, Greensboro Toni Walker Family Sessions, Greensboro Toni Walker

Before you go...

They sent the letter through email.  And I don't blame them.  When you have to tell the people that you have come to know and love over the past 10 years that you are moving away it might be hard to do it face to face.  I get it.  It was hard to read.  But they did a really good job of explaining the future they have planned for their family.  They will be closer to doctors for A.  There will be more time for L and J to try their hand at extra curricular activities.  Tom landed a great job with the State Department of Education in his area of expertise.  And Kelly...well Kelly will bloom where ever she is planted.  Bloom and thrive and grow and be awesome at everything.  Just like she has been here in Greensboro.  Ok, Ok, enough.  I can't see the screen right now.  Must be my allergies.  And besides, Clayton is kind of like Stars Hollow or so I've been told. 

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