The Unicorn
When I am doing a session, I am always on the look out for "the one". There is always one image that stops me in my tracks as I am uploading into Lightroom. It is the one that I edit so carefully to enhance it, not change it dramatically. It makes my heart leap when I find it.
But I always find it.
Every year...
When the leaves begin to turn from a healthy green to a crisp red and pumpkin orange I know I am about to get a phone call from Natalie. Every year she calls me to document her family and especially her growing boy. And every year he looks different, taller, blonder, cuter. And then one day a few weeks from now I will get these photos back in my mailbox in the form of a Christmas card. It is our version of a full circle. I love this family. Very much.
Fort Fisher...
Her classroom was right across the hall from mine in the 400 hallway. She was the 5th person to hold Caroline on the day she was born. And now I get to watch her create this amazing family that she has always dreamed of.
I am always honored when past clients want me to photograph them again. I am always honored when new clients trust me with documenting their families. But I get down right weepy when dear friends that I love and miss so much ask me to capture their growing family.
I present, the Crudeli family:

A 6 year old + 5 minutes = MAGIC!
I told my niece, Ava Grey, if she would just give me 5 minutes to take her pictures I would let her go play with her cousins.
Dang...She's good.
Take 2..
So in my last post I told you about the "W" family and the fun session we did at Cape Fear Community College. You can't tell from the pictures but Molly was really not feeling well. She got a sunburn the day before and her throat hurt but she was such a trouper and pulled off some amazing shots for the family group photos. But when I did her individual shots, she was not feeling it. I could see it in her eyes. The next morning, she wakes up with PINK EYE and a major fever!!! I knew she was not being her normal, crazy, sweet self. So I told her mom that I would be back in town in a few weeks and I want to do a mini session with just Molly. We would go back to the same spot, same outfit and try again, this time with much happier, much healthier girl. Her session was amazing. This girl works that camera...just like I knew she could.

Seriously, after this can we get a fish taco at Islands?
I love when friends hire me to photograph their families because my day job turns into a hang out session while I take pics of their adorable kids. I've known Chandra since my time in Wilmington but I gotta tell ya, I really like hanging out with her kids. Like, in a, lets go get a hurricane at Kohl's Frozen Custard at Wrightsville Beach. We got to catch up on what everyone is up to: Shelby is in Utah, Hunter is deciding his next path in life after High School, Hannah is a Senior, Molly is killing it in Middle School and Garrett is still just a super sweet kid. Hannah and I have already plans for a Senior Portrait session in August. I can't wait.
Ladies and Gentleman...The "W" Family
PS. Stay tuned for my next post about poor Molly...
I don't know what it is about cousins. There are some that you are totally fine with seeing once a year at Christmas and calling it good. But then you have cousins that you CRAVE spending time with them. You make special trips to visit. You align your schedules. You want your kids to hang out and become friends/super cousins. Guy is that cousin for me. I have always loved spending time with him since I was younger. And then he goes and marries an amazing woman who is super cool to be with and then he has two great girls that are so sweet...
Don't even get me started on my love for his mama, my Aunt Tinkum...
So when Guy texted me and asked to take his family pictures in their new house. I said yes! Then he told me that it had been YEARS since their last family portrait and I gased up the car!! We laughed through this whole session! I love my kin folk!!