Personal Branding

Three reasons you need a Brand Photo Shoot pronto!

Listen. As a small business owner I know that time is money so I’m going to cut to the chase:

You need a Brand Photoshoot for your business PRONTO!  I have seen too many small business owners who are still using iPhone photos, stock photos or who are not marketing because they have no photos.  

I know that you are going to protest, make excuses or just live in denial.  But here is the thing, as a fellow small business owner, I want to see you succeed!  I want your phone to ring off the hook, I want your inbox to be full of emails that begin with “You are so amazing!”  I want you to be so successful that it is time to think about hiring someone to help you run that beautiful business of yours.  I wish that for you because I wish that for my own business.  

So let me plead my case on why you NEED a Brand Shoot, like ASAP!

 1. The right Brand Shoot makes you look professional.  There is no other way to say it: if you are still using your iPhone to take photos for your business, it looks like you are using iPhone photos for your business.  And while that might save you money right now, it is actually costing you big time in the long run. 

Your perfect client is looking for a brand that they can know, like and trust.  They will not connect to a stock photo.  But gorgeous curated images of you doing what you love, in the space you have created will stop them in their tracks (or scroll). 

A Brand Shoot is an investment but you will make it back 10 fold when the right client who values what you do lands on your IG or website.  

A Brand shoot with me will take one MAJOR thing off your business plate.  We all know we need to market on the major social media platforms AND have a killer website AND have a thriving email list but so many entrepreneurs I have talked to get stuck on 2 main things: what to write and not having the right image to go with the post.  

When you have a Personalized Brand shot with me we will plan the entire shoot to fit your marketing for the next few months.  We will talk about any sales, workshops, events, etc. that you have coming up and then we will create a bank of images for you to have at your finger tips. 

Did you know the social media images should be a certain file size?  Did you know there is one color that grabs the attention of your audience and stops their scrolling more than any other?  Did you know that if you rename the image file to certain words it will improve where you show up on the Google search results?  All of this and more will be on the agenda of our planning session and post shoot session.  

A Brand Shoot with me will help you feel more confident.  I know that is a big statement but I believe with my whole heart it is true.  Not only will I have a Hair and Make-up Artist on site to help you feel your best, but I will pose you and direct you every step of the way.  No more awkward Barbie hands.  You will feel amazing and like the boss you truly are. 

I invite you to a chat with me to see how I can help you create the business of your dreams.  I am cheering for you, sister!

Restoration Massage-Greensboro Brand Photography

It has been an idea in her head for awhile now.

Opening her own small business was a huge leap of faith and Kelly did a beautiful swan dive right into the middle of it.

She knew that the type of business she wanted was different than most massage clinics. She wanted to focus on therapeutic massage. This is perfect for those with injuries, muscle soreness, spasms, etc.

This means that her brand and images MUST convey that message across her website and social media.

When she contacted me about a personal brand photo shoot, we got really specific on who her ideal client is, why they are coming in and what do they need to know about the experience.

My client questionnaire is a way for me to understand my client’s needs, niche and message.

We set up the shoot and recruited models that are similar to her ideal client. Then, Kelly did her exact client experience while I took a bajiliion photos. We want to show her clients what it is like to work with Kelly and how they will feel during the experience.



If you are in the Cary or Clayton area, go see Kelly!! She is incredible!

Kelly now has a folder full of images to use on her website, social media, email campaigns, etc. Her content is set for a good long while.

Are you ready to have images that show off your business? Click below!

One of these things is not like the other.

You have that song stuck in your head now don’t you?


These images look like they don’t belong on my page. But they do. I was hired recently to photograph Choose Tire and Automotive for Kernersville Magazine.

I learned some valuable lessons:

1) Grown mean who work in a auto shop DO NOT like to have their picture taken.

2) Grown men who work in an auto shop are HARD to photograph. They don’t want to be there. They don’t know how to act. They don’t know what to do with their hands.

3) These were the nicest guys in Kernersville. They were nice and the let me take their picture. It took some convincing.

So here are the images from the January Kernersville magazine. It was an honor to be included.

Writer's Block

When Audra and I spoke about her personal brand shoot, I knew exactly what we needed to focus on. She is an amazing writer and often writes about her faith, her family and herself. We talked about wardrobe, props, etc. And when I walked into her beautiful home and saw all of the gorgeous light I knew this would be special.

We captured her writing, the space she writes in, and threw in a head shot or two.

The result: a bank of images she could use for her social media, website, and any promotional work.

That is a must for any business owner on social media. You want images that capture you and your business and show people what it is you are truly good at.

Angie - {Greensboro Personal Branding}

Here is the thing about Angie’s profession: she has to connect to her clients. Period. End of sentence.

As a Doula she is with her clients on one of the most important days of their lives. But the connection starts WAY before then. She meets with her clients several times to discuss their needs, their desires for a birth plan, their fears, their dreams. She coaches them, encourages them, guides them long before their sweet babies make their grand entrance.

Angie came to me when it was time to update her website, Facebook profile, and Instagram profile. She wanted to convey the right message to potential clients, to show them what she can do. In other words she wanted to connect with them before ever meeting them. So we set up a Personal Branding session. We did new Headshots in my studio. A few days later I was in the room documenting a meeting with her clients. I could barely remember to take pictures because I was so engrossed in what she was teaching them.

We made some magic.